About Us

Welcome to Yardiology! I’m Sidra, your plant-loving guide to all things green. I live in a small town and have a deep passion for creating beautiful indoor and outdoor spaces with plants.

Yardiology is where I share my love for gardening, whether it’s in a backyard or brightening up a cozy corner inside. I’m here to help you turn any space into a thriving green oasis, be it a balcony, window sill, or living room.

Join me on this journey to discover the joy of nurturing plants. I believe every leaf tells a story and every flower brings happiness. In this blog, I’ll share tips on caring for indoor and outdoor plants, creating stunning landscapes, and designing charming indoor gardens.

Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting, let’s explore together and make our spaces blossom with greenery. Welcome to Yardiology, where we celebrate the magic of plants, inside and out.