Discover The 20 Most Common Gardening Tools Every Gardener Should Have

Last updated on April 19th, 2024 at 09:07 am

Gardening is a wonderful hobby that connects us with nature and allows us to create beautiful outdoor spaces. Whether you’re a seasoned green thumb or just starting, having the right tools is key to making your gardening experience easier and more enjoyable. From pruning shears to shovels and watering cans, understanding both indoor and outdoor gardening tools is fundamental for maintaining a flourishing garden. Here, we’ll explore the 20 most common gardening tools that cater to both indoor and outdoor gardening needs.

20 Most Common Gardening Tools 


Rake is on the soil near a sunflower plant

The rake is a really important tool for gardening. It’s one of the main tools that almost every gardener needs. You use it to do a few different jobs.

First, in the fall, when leaves fall from trees, the rake helps gather them up. This is important because too many leaves on the ground can stop grass from growing properly.

Second, before planting seeds or plants, you need the ground to be even and smooth. The rake helps by leveling the soil. It breaks up big chunks and spreads the soil nicely.

Also, the rake can clear other small things like twigs or loose dirt. It’s good for keeping the garden neat.

There are different kinds of rakes for different jobs. Some rakes are good for picking up leaves, while others are better for tougher tasks. They come in different sizes and shapes.

So, the rake is a really useful tool. It helps keep your garden clean, gets the soil ready for planting, and does a few other jobs too.


Person holding shovel on a soil surface

The shovel is a really important tool for gardening. It’s great for a few different jobs in your garden.

Firstly, you use it for digging. When you want to put a new plant in the ground or move some dirt around, the shovel helps you dig the soil. It’s really helpful because it’s got a big, strong blade that can go into the ground easily.

Next, when you need to plant something like flowers, vegetables, or even small trees, the shovel helps you make a hole in the soil to put them in. This makes it easier for the plants to grow because they have enough space for their roots.

Also, the shovel helps in moving soil from one place to another. For example, if you want to fill a pot or cover an area with fresh soil, the shovel can scoop up the soil and move it where you need it.

Pruning Shears

Purning shear is placed on a wooden surface near plants

Pruning shears are super handy among the most common gardening tools for gardening. They’re like scissors but stronger and are used for cutting plants.

One of the main things pruning shears does is to trim plants. When branches or stems grow too much or in the wrong direction, pruning shears help trim them neatly. This is important for the plant’s health and helps it grow better.

These shears also help in shaping plants. If you want your bushes or hedges to look a certain way, pruning shears are used to shape them by cutting specific parts.

Sometimes, dead or diseased parts of plants need to be removed. Pruning shears come to the rescue here too! They cut away these parts to keep the plant healthy.

Pruning Saw

Purning saw is on a wooden surface

The pruning saw one of the most common gardening tools, is a handy tool used in gardening for cutting thicker branches or stems that are too big for regular pruning shears.

One of the main things pruning shears do is to trim plants. When branches or stems grow too much or in the wrong direction, pruning shears help trim them neatly. This is important for the plant’s health and helps it grow better.

These shears also help in shaping plants. If you want your bushes or hedges to look a certain way, pruning shears are used to shape them by cutting specific parts.

Sometimes, dead or diseased parts of plants need to be removed. Pruning shears come to the rescue here too! They cut away these parts to keep the plant healthy.


A spade is on soil near plant

The spade is a helpful tool in gardening. It looks like a shovel but has a flat, squared-off blade. You use it for different tasks in the garden.

Firstly, it’s great for digging holes. When you want to plant flowers or shrubs, the spade helps make a nice hole in the ground for them. It’s also handy for turning over the soil in your garden beds, which helps plants grow better.

Secondly, if you need to edge your garden beds or create clean lines between different sections of your garden, the spade does the job well. It helps make neat edges and keeps your garden looking tidy.

So, the spade is pretty important among the most common gardening tools for gardeners. It helps with planting, turning soil, and creating clean edges in your garden.

Garden Knife

A sharp gardening knife with a wooden handle along a clay pot

A garden knife is a small, handy tool that gardeners use for various tasks in the garden. It looks like a regular knife but is specifically designed for gardening purposes.

Garden knives have sharp blades that come in different shapes and sizes. They are great for cutting twine, opening bags of soil, or slicing through stubborn roots when planting or weeding.

Moreover, they help in delicate tasks like taking cuttings or dividing plants. Garden knives are also useful for trimming small plants or shaping them when needed.

These knives often have a serrated edge or a curved blade, making them versatile for different gardening jobs. A garden knife is the most popular among the most common gardening tools.

Spading Fork

A handy spade is on the soil near green plants

A spading fork is a tool with sturdy, pronged tines attached to a handle. It’s a bit like a pitchfork but with shorter, thicker tines.

Gardeners use spading forks for a few important tasks in the garden. They’re great for loosening and turning over soil. When you want to aerate or break up compacted soil without turning it completely, the spading fork comes in handy.

Moreover, if you need to mix compost or organic matter into the soil, the spading fork helps blend everything evenly. Its strong tines can penetrate the soil effectively.

A spading fork is very useful among the most common gardening tools that help in loosening, turning, and blending soil in the garden.

Garden Spade

A gardening spade is on a green surface

A garden spade is a tool from the most common gardening tools with a flat, square-shaped blade and a handle. It looks a lot like a shovel but has a flat blade instead of a curved one.

Gardeners use spades for a few important jobs in the garden. They’re great for digging holes when you want to plant flowers, vegetables, or small bushes. The flat blade helps in creating neat and precise holes in the soil.

Moreover, a garden spade is handy for edging garden beds or creating clear boundaries between different areas of your garden. It helps in making clean lines and tidy edges.


A yellow wheelbarrow is filled with soil

A wheelbarrow is like a big, open container with a single wheel at the front and handles at the back. It’s a helpful tool among the most common gardening tools used for carrying things around the garden.

Gardeners use wheelbarrows for various tasks. They’re really useful for transporting heavy items like soil, mulch, plants, or garden tools from one place to another. Instead of carrying heavy loads by hand, the wheelbarrow makes it easier by allowing you to push or pull the load.

Additionally, when you’re cleaning up leaves, weeds, or other garden debris, a wheelbarrow helps in collecting and moving these items to a compost pile or disposal area.

Gardening Gloves

A person is wearing garden gloves

Gardening gloves are special gloves designed for working in the garden. They’re made of sturdy material and protect your hands while you’re gardening.

Gardeners wear gloves to keep their hands safe from things like thorns, prickly plants, rough surfaces, or even chemicals in fertilizers. They prevent scratches, cuts, blisters, or irritation that might happen while working with plants or handling soil.

Gardening gloves are made of leather, while others are made of synthetic materials. They also vary in thickness, with some providing extra protection for tougher tasks.

These gloves are essential for gardeners because they not only protect your hands but also give you a better grip on tools, making it easier to work comfortably in the garden without worrying about getting hurt.

In short, gardening gloves are a crucial tool among the most common gardening tools for gardeners to keep their hands safe and comfortable while working with plants and soil.

Garden hose

Garden hoes is on green grass

A garden hose is a long, flexible tube usually made of rubber or plastic. It’s an essential tool used for watering plants and cleaning the garden.

Gardeners use hoses to water their plants easily. They connect one end of the hose to a water source, like a tap or a spigot, and use the other end to spray water over their plants. Hoses are great because they can reach areas that might be far from the water source, making it convenient to water the whole garden.

You can attach a nozzle to the end of the hose to adjust the water flow, allowing you to spray water with different pressures for various cleaning jobs, like washing garden tools or pathways. A garden hose is most important among the most common gardening tools.


A person is using weeder in the soil

A weeder is a tool used for removing weeds from the garden. It’s a small, handheld tool that helps gardeners get rid of unwanted plants.

Weeders come in various shapes and designs. They typically have a sharp, pointed end or a forked tip that’s used to dig into the soil around weeds. Gardeners use weeders to loosen the soil and extract weeds from their roots.

The main purpose of a weeder is to remove weeds without disturbing the surrounding plants. Getting rid of weeds at their roots helps prevent them from growing back and competing with your desired plants for nutrients and space.

Hedge Shears

A gardener is using hedge shears

Hedge shears are tools most common gardening tools designed for trimming and shaping hedges, bushes, or shrubs in the garden. They look like large scissors with long blades.

Gardeners use hedge shears to neatly cut and shape the growth of plants, particularly hedges or bushes. These shears have long blades with sharp edges that allow you to trim branches and foliage with precision.

The primary purpose of hedge shears is to create straight edges, smooth surfaces, or specific shapes for bushes or hedges. They’re handy for keeping the plants in your garden looking neat and well-maintained.

Watering Can

A gardener is watering gthe plants with water cane

A watering can is a container with a spout used for watering plants in the garden. It’s a handy tool for gently delivering water to plants without causing damage.

Gardeners fill the watering can with water and use it to hydrate their plants by pouring the water directly onto the soil around the plant’s base. The spout on the watering can help control the flow of water, allowing for precise watering, especially for delicate plants.

Watering cans are crucial among the most common gardening tools for gardeners as they provide a convenient and manageable way to keep plants hydrated and healthy.

Hand Trowel

A hand trowel is on the soil

The hand trowel is a handheld tool that has a pointed, scoop-shaped metal blade and a handle. It’s like a mini shovel that’s perfect for smaller gardening tasks.

Gardeners use hand trowels for various jobs in the garden, such as planting small flowers, transplanting seedlings, or digging in confined spaces. The pointed blade allows for precise digging and scooping of soil, making it easier to work in tight areas or containers.

Garden Hoe

A gardening hoe is near a tree on green grass

Garden hoe is a long-handled tool with a flat, angled metal blade. It’s used for cultivating, weeding, and loosening the soil in the garden.

Gardeners use hoes to break up soil, remove weeds, and create furrows for planting seeds or seedlings. The flat blade of the hoe is perfect for slicing through weeds or disturbing the soil surface, which helps in aerating and preparing the ground for planting.

These tools come in various shapes and sizes, with different blade widths and handle lengths, allowing gardeners to choose the right hoe for their specific gardening needs.


A gardener is using looper in the garden

Loppers are large, long-handled cutting tools used for pruning thicker branches and stems in the garden. They have long handles and strong, sharp blades.

Gardeners use loppers to trim or cut branches that are too thick for regular pruning shears. These tools are excellent for reaching higher branches or cutting through thicker growth that pruning shears can’t handle.

Loppers come in various sizes and designs, some with extendable handles or gears that provide extra cutting power. They are handy for maintaining trees, shrubs, or larger plants by cutting through thicker branches neatly and easily.

In short, loppers are essential tools for gardeners when dealing with thicker branches that require pruning in the garden.


Gardener put his knee on a kneeler during work

A kneeler is among most common gardening tools a padded cushion or a portable platform that provides comfort and support for gardeners while working close to the ground.

Gardeners use kneelers to protect their knees from getting sore or dirty while kneeling or sitting during tasks such as planting, weeding, or tending to low-growing plants. Some kneelers have handles or are designed to be flipped over, offering a seat for those who prefer to sit while gardening.

These kneelers often have a waterproof or easy-to-clean surface and come in various designs, including foldable or adjustable styles for convenience and easy storage.

Hori Hori

Among 20 most common gardening  tools hori hori is on the soil

Hori Hori is a gardening tool with its roots in Japan. Its appearance resembles that of a lengthy, slender knife or a trowel, featuring a pointed, sharp blade and a serrated edge on one side.

Gardeners use the Hori Hori for various tasks in the garden. It’s great for digging, planting, weeding, cutting roots, and dividing plants. The sharp blade can penetrate the soil easily, and the serrated edge helps in cutting through tough roots or twine.

This tool often has measurement markings on the blade, making it convenient for gauging planting depth or spacing while working in the garden.

Hori Horis typically have sturdy handles and are made of durable materials like stainless steel, making them long-lasting and suitable for different gardening tasks.

Garden scissors

Gardening scissors
is on glove in a garden

Garden scissors are small, handheld cutting tools designed for precise trimming and pruning in the garden.

Gardeners use these scissors for tasks like deadheading flowers (removing spent blooms), trimming small plants, cutting herbs, or shaping delicate stems. They have sharp blades and are handy for precise and detailed cutting.

The most common gardening tools are essential companions for any gardener. From the versatile rake and shovel for soil preparation to pruning shears and loppers for trimming, each tool serves a crucial purpose. Whether it’s nurturing plants, shaping landscapes, or ensuring comfort during gardening tasks, these tools are indispensable for maintaining a healthy and beautiful garden.


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