10 Best Flowering Houseplants

Last updated on April 21st, 2024 at 07:39 am

Adding lively hues and sweet scents of blooming flowers to your indoor space can uplift the mood and create a positive atmosphere. Best Flowering houseplants not only introduce a natural touch but also contribute to a refreshing ambiance. In this article, we’ll explore the finest flowering houseplants that not only captivate with their beauty but are also well-suited for indoor settings.

Bringing Color to Apartments:

Plants in an apartment can truly enhance its coziness, making rooms more beautiful while improving the indoor climate. However, the usual green leafy plants might lose their appeal over time, becoming more of a dust collector than a decorative delight. Thankfully, there are wonderful flowering plants for apartments that bring vibrant colors into play. Let’s explore the top flowering houseplants that can add a burst of beauty to your living space.

Blooms Indoors: The Best of Both Worlds:

Discovering the perfect indoor plant is a joy, especially when it combines lush foliage with bursts of seasonal blossoms. Peace lilies, orchids, roses, geraniums, and other flowering houseplants provide a delightful blend of year-round greenery and occasional bursts of colorful petals. This article not only guides you through the best flowering varieties for indoor cultivation but also offers helpful tips for shopping, care, and ensuring your chosen plant thrives in its blooming glory.

10 Best Flowering Houseplants

1. Orchids (Phalaenopsis):

Orchids is in indirect sunlight

Orchids are like a graceful dance of beauty and charm. With their fancy blooms and slim stems, Phalaenopsis orchids are a top pick for indoor garden lovers. These special flowers come in lots of colors, making them perfect for any kind of decoration. Orchids love soft light and don’t need a lot of care, making them great for plant enthusiasts of all levels.


Phalaenopsis orchids, also known as moth orchids, are not only pretty but also easy on the pocket. They show off lovely sprays of flowers that stick around for months. According to Steinkopf, an expert in plants, just water them once a week. Take the plant out of its fancy pot and let water flow through the pot in the sink to make sure the soil gets nice and wet.

Blooming Again and Again:

The beauty of Phalaenopsis orchids doesn’t fade quickly. Those gorgeous flowers can stick around for many months, giving you a long-lasting display of nature’s charm.

These orchids don’t just bloom once a year. They love to show off their flowers throughout the year, bringing a touch of floral loveliness to your home whenever you need it.

2. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum):

Peace lily is in a pot in front of a glass window

The Peace Lily is like a botanical poetry, not only showcasing lush green leaves but also gracing your space with its elegant white blooms. These blooms are like nature’s own artwork, adding a touch of timeless beauty. With its air-purifying prowess and love for cozy, dimly lit corners, the Peace Lily becomes a low-maintenance yet striking presence that effortlessly transforms any room into a serene sanctuary.

A Stylish Statement:

The peace lily, scientifically known as Spathiphyllum, goes beyond being a green companion. Its impressive white bracts, often mistaken for flowers, contribute to its stylish appeal. The interplay of these white bracts and the plant’s green foliage makes it a standout among indoor plants. More than just a visual delight, the peace lily is a practical choice for combating indoor air pollutants. As part of the air-purifying plant family, it becomes your decorative ally in creating a healthier indoor atmosphere.

Air-Cleaning Superhero:

The Peace Lily isn’t just a pretty face; it’s a superhero for your indoor air quality. This decorative plant actively purifies the air, making it an ideal choice for battling against stuffiness in indoor environments. If you’re looking to enhance the quality of the air you breathe while enjoying the aesthetic appeal of a stylish plant, the Peace Lily is your reliable and elegant companion.

3. African Violet (Saintpaulia):

African violet flowers

African Violets are like little wonders, cherished for their small, velvety flowers that come in a delightful array of colors. These compact flowering houseplants are known for their special talent – blooming almost non-stop with the right care. Put them in a spot with bright, indirect light, and make sure to keep the soil consistently damp. African Violets are perfect for adding a charming burst of color to your windowsills and tabletops.

Perfect for Shady Spots:

If you’re in search of a flowering plant that doesn’t need a lot of sunlight, African violets are a great choice, according to Steinkopf. She suggests these fuzzy-leaved plants, native to Africa, are ideal for an east-facing window or under artificial lights. To keep them happy, make sure the soil stays moist but well-drained.

Blooms All Year Round:

These fuzzy-leaved wonders don’t just bloom once in a blue moon. In the right conditions, African Violets show off their flowers repeatedly throughout the year, ensuring your indoor space is always adorned with their delicate and colorful presence.

4.Gerbera Daisy (Gerbera jamesonii):

Gerbera Daisies in in indirect sunlight

Gerbera Daisies are nature’s way of bringing cheerfulness indoors with their large, vibrant blooms. These daisies stand out for their lively and colorful presence, available in a stunning array of shades like red, pink, orange, and yellow. Placing them in a spot with bright, indirect light is like giving them a stage to showcase their joyful performance.

Colorful Splendor:

The beauty of Gerbera Daisies lies not just in their size but in the vividness of their hues. Whether it’s the passionate red, the gentle pink, the warm orange, or the sunny yellow, these daisies become a celebration of colors. To ensure this floral display remains stunning, regular watering and a well-draining soil mix are essential. This simple care routine contributes to the longevity of their blooms, making them a delightful and enduring addition to your indoor space.

5. Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera):

An image of christmas cactus

The Christmas Cactus is like a seasonal treat, gracing your home with its delightful blooms that burst into a colorful display around the holiday season. Cascading branches adorned with tubular flowers add a festive touch to your indoor space. These cacti are the perfect embodiment of seasonal charm, creating a joyful atmosphere in your home. Thriving in indirect light and slightly humid conditions, Christmas Cacti become a cherished addition to your flowering houseplants.

Unique Beauty for Hanging or Shelving:

If you’re on the lookout for a flowering plant that’s perfect for hanging or displaying on a shelf, look no further than the Zygocactus, commonly known as the Christmas cactus, according to Mast. These unique cacti feature long segmented vines that gracefully spill over the pot. As a delightful bonus, in early winter, they adorn themselves with beautiful red blooms at the end of their vines. Zygocactus can handle full sunlight and are low-maintenance, requiring minimal water.

Blossoming Holiday Magic:

A Christmas cactus is not just a seasonal visitor; it’s a blooming marvel that graces your space for four to six weeks. Growers can even orchestrate a floral spectacle by providing the right conditions—the correct temperature, the right amount of sunlight, and periods of darkness. This ensures a magical burst of red blooms, turning your Christmas cactus into a centerpiece of holiday joy.

6.Bromeliad (Neoregalia spp.):

Bromeliad in a terra cotta planter

Bromeliads are your ticket to a tropical paradise within the comfort of your home. These flowering houseplants bring in an exotic flair with their stunning and enduring flower spikes. Featuring vibrant and often multi-colored bracts, these botanical wonders can grace your space with their unique beauty for several months. Bromeliads are a low-maintenance choice, flourishing with bright, indirect light and a touch of humidity. Their architectural blooms make them a striking addition to any indoor garden, offering a taste of the tropics.

A Splash of Blue:

For a distinctive and popular bromeliad variant, consider the Aechmea “Blue Rain.” With its brightly colored foliage and impressive height, this plant produces captivating red, pink, purple, and white flowers that can reach up to 40 centimeters. According to Copper, the “Blue Rain” variety has the power to transport you instantly to the tropics, adding a touch of exotic beauty to your indoor space.

Blooms for the Long Haul:

While bromeliads, including the “Blue Rain,” flower only once, they compensate by producing small offshoots that can give rise to new flowers when propagated. If you’re in search of enduring flowering houseplants, bromeliads are an excellent choice. Thriving in low-light conditions, they bring a touch of the tropics to your home with minimal care requirements.

7.Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana

A close up image of flaming katy flower

The Flaming Katy, scientifically known as Kalanchoe blossfeldiana, is like a friendly burst of warmth and color. Its vast variety spans from pure white and bright yellow to rich purple, covering nearly every shade in between. This vibrant houseplant is a visual treat, showcasing its diverse and small flowers consistently throughout the entire year.

A Year-Round Performer:

One of the notable qualities of the Flaming Katy is its tireless nature. It doesn’t take a break and offers its colorful blooms all year long. Whether it’s the simplicity of white, the cheerfulness of yellow, or the depth of purple, this plant is a reliable source of beauty in any season. Similar to other flowering houseplants like African violets and orchids, the Flaming Katy brightens up indoor spaces with its continuous display of blooms, ensuring a lively ambiance year-round.

Uncomplicated Beauty:

The Flaming Katy is the epitome of an undemanding companion. It doesn’t ask for much and is easy to care for, making it an excellent choice, especially for those who are new to the world of plant care. Its low-maintenance nature doesn’t compromise on the vibrant and lively display it brings to any indoor space.

8. Hibiscus

A close image of hibiscus flower

Were you yearning for a touch of vacation ambiance right in your living space? Look no further than the Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis). This houseplant, Hawaii’s national flower, effortlessly infuses any room with the exciting flair of the South Seas. With its vibrant, large flowers, the hibiscus becomes the undeniable focal point, creating a relaxing and visually captivating atmosphere.

Demanding Beauty:

While the hibiscus demands a bit more attention when it comes to care, requiring ample water and nutrients, the effort is handsomely rewarded. From April to October, this captivating houseplant unfolds its magnificent flowers, transforming your home into a tropical paradise. The hibiscus doesn’t just decorate your space; it brings a piece of the exotic into your daily surroundings.

8. Anthurium

In the realm of the Anthurium (Anthurium andreanum), the flowers are a study of understated elegance. The year-round presence of unassuming yellow flower bulbs might not immediately catch the eye, but it’s the distinctive red or white bracts that steal the spotlight. Often mistaken for flowers, these captivating bracts boast a vibrant color palette and a unique, leathery texture. The Anthurium proves that true beauty sometimes lies in the subtlety of its blooms.

Robust and Unfussy:

Beyond its visual appeal, the Anthurium stands out for its robust nature. This houseplant is remarkably low-maintenance, making it an excellent choice for those seeking both beauty and ease of care. With its enduring charm and resilient demeanor, the Anthurium adds a touch of subtle sophistication to any indoor space.

9. Classic Roses

Classic roses is in an iron planter

For those desiring a touch of tradition indoors, the classic rose plant stands as an iconic choice. Blooming in a spectrum of hues, including pink, red, yellow, orange, and purple, this beloved perennial is available for purchase throughout the year, offering a constant source of natural beauty.

Year-Round Appeal:

The charm of classic roses extends beyond their varied colors. These popular perennials have the enchanting ability to bloom annually, gracing indoor spaces with their delicate blossoms from late spring through fall. The timeless elegance of roses makes them a perennial favorite, bringing a touch of nature’s grace into your home throughout the changing seasons.

10. Azalea

An image of azaleas flower

Garden Beauty Indoors:

While the rhododendron is cherished in gardens for its magnificent blooms, it’s not an ideal choice for indoor cultivation. Enter its relative, the azalea (Rhododendron simsii), which proves to be an excellent flowering houseplant. This Asian beauty, even when grown indoors, graces us with a stunning array of colors, unveiling its beautiful flowers from September to April.

Aesthetic and Caring Resemblance:

In both appearance and care, azaleas bear a striking resemblance to their garden counterpart, the rhododendron. As captivating flowering houseplants, the azalea thrives when planted on an acidic substrate and benefits from being watered primarily with lime-free water. Beyond its visual appeal, the azalea brings a touch of Asian elegance into indoor spaces, making it a delightful addition to any home.


Q1: What are the benefits of having flowering houseplants indoors?

Flowering houseplants not only add aesthetic beauty to indoor spaces but also contribute to a positive atmosphere. They enhance the overall indoor climate, uplift mood, and some even have air-purifying properties.

Q2:  How do I care for flowering houseplants to ensure they bloom indoors?

To ensure your flowering houseplants bloom indoors, it’s essential to provide them with the right amount of light, water, and nutrients. Each plant species has specific care requirements, but in general, they benefit from bright, indirect light, regular watering (without overwatering), and occasional fertilization during the growing season. Proper pruning and maintenance also help promote healthy growth and abundant blooms.

Q3: Are African Violets suitable for low-light conditions?

Yes, African Violets are ideal for low-light conditions. Placing them in east-facing windows or under artificial lights ensures their well-being.

Q4: What makes the Peace Lily a good choice for indoor spaces?

The Peace Lily, besides its elegant white blooms, is an air-purifying superhero. It actively purifies indoor air, making it a practical and visually appealing choice for homes.

Q5: Can Gerbera Daisies be grown indoors year-round?

Yes, Gerbera Daisies can be grown indoors year-round. Providing bright, indirect light and a well-draining soil mix helps maintain their colorful blooms.

Q6:  What are the best flowering houseplants for apartments?

Some of the best flowering houseplants for apartments include orchids, peace lilies, African violets, gerbera daisies, Christmas cacti, bromeliads, Kalanchoe blossfeldiana (Flaming Katy), hibiscus, anthurium, classic roses, and azaleas. These plants are well-suited for indoor settings and can thrive in the limited space and lighting conditions typical of apartments.

Q7: Are Bromeliads suitable for low-light conditions?

Bromeliads, including the “Blue Rain” variant, thrive in low-light conditions. They are low-maintenance and bring a touch of the tropics to indoor spaces.

In conclusion, incorporating flowering houseplants into your indoor space not only adds natural beauty but also enhances your environment with their vibrant colors, captivating fragrances, and sometimes even air-purifying abilities. From the graceful elegance of orchids to the charming blooms of African violets and the festive flair of Christmas cacti, there’s a flowering houseplant to suit every taste and style. 

With proper care and attention, these botanical wonders can bring joy and vitality to your home year-round, creating a welcoming oasis of greenery and blooms for you to enjoy. So why wait? Start cultivating your indoor garden today and let the enchanting beauty of flowering houseplants transform your living space into a lush and vibrant sanctuary.


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