Ideal Golden Pothos Soil Mix for Healthy Growth

Last updated on March 2nd, 2024 at 09:17 am

When it comes to cultivating healthy and thriving Pothos, the significance of the right soil mix cannot be overstated. A well-constructed Golden Pothos soil mix is the foundation upon which these beautiful plants grow, flourish, and exhibit their lush greenery.

Golden Pothos, scientifically known as Epipremnum aureum or commonly referred to as Devil’s Ivy, is a favorite houseplant cherished for its low maintenance and air-purifying properties. Its leaves are heart-shaped with mixed patterns of yellow and green making it an aesthetically pleasing addition to any indoor space. To ensure your Golden Pothos achieves its full potential in growth and foliage vibrancy, creating the perfect blend of nutrients, aeration, and drainage in the Golden Pothos soil mix is a cornerstone for nurturing this stunning plant to flourish indoors.

The secret to a thriving Golden Pothos plant is in the soil mix it grows in. Choosing the right stuff creates a good space for the roots to grow and keeps the plant healthy. Even though Golden Pothos plants can handle different conditions, giving them the right soil mix helps them grow better and live longer.

A balanced Golden Pothos soil mix has things that hold onto the water but don’t make it too wet for the roots to breathe.

Ingredients of Golden Pothos Soil Mix

Ingredients of soil mix

The ingredients commonly used in a Golden Pothos soil mix include:

Potting Mix

A high-quality potting mix serves as the backbone of a Pothos soil mix, providing essential nutrients while maintaining proper drainage.

Perlite or Vermiculite

These additives play a crucial role in enhancing drainage and aeration within the soil mix, preventing soil compaction, and ensuring adequate oxygen for the roots.

Coarse Sand

The inclusion of coarse sand in the soil mix is vital for facilitating better drainage and preventing waterlogging, which can be detrimental to Pothos roots, including Golden Pothos.

Organic Matter or Compost

Incorporating organic matter or compost enriches the soil, supplying vital nutrients that support robust growth, a necessary factor for both Pothos and Golden Pothos plants.

Ratio Of Ingredients of Golden Pothos Soil Mix

Creating a balanced Golden Pothos soil mix is crucial for nurturing healthy Pothos plants. The suggested blend below serves as a starting point, but keep in mind that adjustments may be needed based on specific conditions and the plant’s response over time.

Suggested Ratio:

  • 60% Potting Soil
  • 20% Perlite
  • 10% Peat Moss
  • 10% Coarse Sand or Coconut Coir

This combination aims to provide the necessary nutrients, proper drainage, moisture retention, and improved aeration to support the optimal growth of Golden Pothos. However, remember that these ratios can be flexible and may need fine-tuning based on factors like regional climate, pot size, and individual plant requirements.

Regularly monitor your plant’s health and observe how the soil mix behaves in different conditions. Adjustments to the ratios can be made accordingly to ensure the best environment for your Golden Pothos to thrive.

Using Soil Mix for Potting Pothos Plants

A girl holding soil in her hands

Materials Needed:

  • Pothos plant
  • Pot or container with drainage holes
  • Prepared Golden Pothos soil mix (60% potting soil, 20% perlite, 10% peat moss, 10% coarse sand or coconut coir)
  • Water
  • Trowel or gardening gloves (optional)

Choose the Right Pot

Person holding an empty clay pot and brush near many of empty clay pots

Select a pot or container that accommodates the plant’s root system with extra space for growth. Ensure it has drainage holes at the bottom to prevent waterlogging.

Prepare the Pot

Fill the bottom of the pot with a layer of small stones or broken pottery pieces to enhance drainage.

Add Soil Mix

Fill the pot about one-third full with the prepared Golden Pothos soil mix.

Prepare the Plant

If repotting an existing plant, carefully remove it from its current pot by gently loosening the soil around the edges and carefully lifting the plant.

If potting a new Pothos plant, gently remove it from its nursery container.

Position the Plant

Place the plant in the center of the pot, ensuring the top of the root ball sits slightly below the rim of the pot.

Fill with Soil

A person fill soil in a Pothos   pot

Add more soil mix around the sides of the plant, ensuring it fills the gaps between the roots. Gently pat the soil to remove air pockets.

Water Thoroughly

A person watering the Pothos plant

Water the plant thoroughly, allowing excess water to drain out of the pot. Ensure the soil is evenly moist but not waterlogged.

Adjust Soil Level

Add more soil mix if needed to maintain the recommended distance between the top of the soil and the pot’s rim, usually about an inch.

Care Instructions

Place the potted plant in an area with suitable light conditions as per the Pothos’ requirements.

Maintaining a regular watering schedule ensures the soil doesn’t dry out completely between waterings.

Monitor and Maintain

Monitor the plant’s health and growth regularly. Adjust watering and care practices based on the plant’s response and environmental conditions.

Enhancing Pothos Growth Beyond Golden Pothos Soil Mix

Pothos plant in a white pot near a glass window

Light Conditions

Place Golden Pothos in moderate to bright, indirect light indoors for optimal growth, avoiding direct sunlight.

Temperature and Humidity

Maintain indoor temperatures between 60°F to 85°F (15°C to 29°C) and provide average household humidity levels. Avoid drafts and sudden temperature changes.

Watering Practices

Water when the top inch of soil is dry, ensuring thorough watering without letting the soil become waterlogged. Adjust the watering frequency based on environmental conditions.


Apply a balanced, diluted liquid fertilizer every four to six weeks during the growing season (spring and summer). Reduce or halt fertilization during fall and winter.

Pruning and Propagation

Trim to maintain shape, encourage bushier growth, and remove yellow or damaged leaves. Easily propagate from stem cuttings in water or soil.

Pest and Disease Control

Monitor for pests like spider mites, mealybugs, or scale insects. Treat promptly with neem oil or insecticidal soap if detected. Ensure good air circulation to prevent fungal diseases.


How can I create the ideal soil mix for Golden Pothos?

A balanced Golden Pothos soil mix comprises 60% potting soil, 20% perlite, 10% peat moss, and 10% coarse sand or coconut coir. This blend provides essential nutrients, proper drainage, moisture retention, and improved aeration for optimal growth. Adjust ratios based on specific conditions and plant response.

Can I fertilize Golden Pothos during winter?

Golden Pothos typically goes through a dormant phase in winter. Reduce or halt fertilization during this time to align with the plant’s resting period. Resume fertilization in the growing season for optimal growth.

What potting container should I choose for my Golden Pothos?

Select a pot or container with drainage holes to prevent waterlogging. Ensure the pot accommodates the plant’s root system with extra space for growth. Fill the pot with a suitable soil mix, leaving space between the soil surface and the pot’s rim.

Taking care of a Golden Pothos plant is like caring for a friend. Making the right soil mix is super important, but there’s more to it. Besides soil, giving it light, proper temperature, and watering it well is crucial. Trimming, growing new ones, and keeping bugs away also help.

Watching how your plant is doing is like listening to a friend. If it needs something, you adjust how you care for it. Caring for your Golden Pothos is an ongoing journey. With good soil, care, and attention, it grows beautifully, making your home happier and greener.

Keep caring for your Golden Pothos—it’ll keep bringing joy to your home!


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