Golden Pothos Winter Care: A Guide to Thriving Indoor Greenery

Last updated on March 2nd, 2024 at 08:58 am

The fancy name of Golden Pothos is known as Epipremnum Aureum. People also call it Devil’s Ivy, a plant that grows vines with heart-shaped leaves and belongs to the Araceae plant family.

Golden Pothos is my absolute favorite indoor plant, and it’s the top pick for new plant owners. Its leaves are heart-shaped and really pretty, with different patterns. The stems can get long, hanging down or climbing up. The Golden Pothos, which has golden yellow variegation, is very common and easy to find. It’s one of the simplest plants to get and take care of!

As winter comes around, taking care of your Golden Pothos becomes important. This guide will help you understand what you need for Golden Pothos winter care. We’ll talk about things like the right temperature, the kind of light it likes, and how much water it needs. We’ll also touch on fertilizing and pruning, making sure your Golden Pothos stays happy and healthy all winter long.

Tips for Golden Pothos Winter Care


Pothos in terra cotta planter

For optimal Golden Pothos winter care, selecting the right type of pot is crucial. I prefer using terra cotta pots for planting my Pothos due to their excellent breathability and moisture regulation. Terra cotta allows excess moisture to evaporate, preventing waterlogged conditions that can be detrimental to the plant. I choose a larger pot for my Pothos to provide ample space for its roots to spread and promote overall plant growth.

To ensure proper drainage, I use a well-draining Pothos soil mix. This specialized blend facilitates effective water drainage, preventing the risk of root rot and other moisture-related issues. As the Pothos grows larger, I transfer it to a bigger pot, typically conducting repotting in the spring season. This timing aligns with the plant’s active growth period, supporting a seamless transition and minimizing stress on the Golden Pothos.

Temperature and Placement Tips for Golden Pothos Winter Care:

Pothos is hanging in a basket near a glass window

During winter, paying close attention to the temperature where your Golden Pothos lives is important. Golden Pothos likes it best when it’s not too hot or too cold. The sweet spot is between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (15-27 degrees Celsius). Imagine it’s like the plant’s perfect comfy zone!

Now, here’s a trick: Golden Pothos doesn’t like sudden changes in temperature or cold drafts. So, try not to place it near windows that get chilly or close to heaters that make things too warm. Think of it as finding the Goldilocks spot – not too hot, not too cold, but just right!

Imagine your Pothos as a cozy plant that enjoys a stable and comfortable environment. So, make sure it’s not feeling the shivers from the window or sweating from being too close to a heater. Regarding Golden Pothos winter care, paying attention to the right temperature and finding a comfy spot is key. Golden Pothos loves temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (15-27 degrees Celsius). Think of it as creating a perfect cozy haven for your plant!

Optimizing Lighting Conditions for Golden Pothos Winter Care:

In the realm of Golden Pothos winter care, understanding the change in sunlight becomes crucial. As winter brings fewer sunny days, ensuring your plant’s vibrancy requires attention. While Golden Pothos can handle lower light levels, it thrives with bright, indirect sunlight. Here’s where the essence of Golden Pothos winter care comes in.

Imagine your Pothos as a sun-seeking friend during the colder months. To provide a steady energy boost, place it near a window with filtered sunlight. This ensures your plant gets the light it craves without the harshness of direct sunlight. Now, integrating artificial grow lights is like giving your Golden Pothos an extra dose of sunshine when natural light is scarce.

In the realm of Golden Pothos winter care, optimizing lighting conditions ensures that your plant not only survives but continues to display its vibrant charm, even when the winter sun takes a backseat. This thoughtful approach ensures that your Golden Pothos receives the light it needs to flourish during the winter season.

Watering Guide for Golden Pothos Winter Care:

A watering can is beside golden pothos

Taking care of the water needs of your Golden Pothos is a crucial aspect of its winter care routine. This resilient plant doesn’t like sitting in water or staying wet for too long, emphasizing the importance of understanding its water schedule. For successful Golden Pothos winter care, consistency is key. Establishing a regular care schedule can ensure the longevity of your plant, becoming a companion for years to come. In the winter months, adjusting your watering routine becomes essential.

I prefer watering my Pothos when the plant has mostly dried out, especially the top 2/3 of the soil. Once it’s ready for a drink, I provide a generous watering, allowing the water to flow out. Promptly discard any excess water pooling in the saucer. For winter care, keep in mind that the plant prefers lukewarm water, around 60 degrees Fahrenheit. If using city water, let it sit in an open container the day before to allow chemicals to evaporate – a little extra step that can benefit your Golden Pothos in the long run.

Remember, in the growing season (spring and summer), water your Pothos well. In the winter, adjust by not watering as thoroughly but ensuring the soil stays moist. Understanding your plant’s response to light conditions is crucial – brighter sun means faster drying, requiring more frequent watering.

In the realm of Golden Pothos winter care, paying attention to its water needs ensures a healthy and thriving plant. If you notice yellowing leaves, it could be a sign of overwatering, so dial back on watering and let your Pothos dry out more.

Pruning for Golden Pothos: A Winter Care Essential

A girl is pruning pothos vein

Golden Pothos can grow big and even flower in the wild, but indoors, they might not flower much. Still, there’s a small chance it might! If you enjoy the long vine look, just let it grow!

You can put your Pothos on a high shelf, and it will eventually hang down like a waterfall. You can let the vines drape over things or clip them onto objects to make them stick. If you like a more “bushy” look, pinch off the new growth.

Now, here’s a cool winter care tip for your Golden Pothos: if a vine gets too long, you can prune it. Get some clean scissors or shears – it’s important to keep them clean to avoid introducing any bacteria to your plant when you cut. Trim the vine about a quarter to a half-inch above a leaf. You can even give the freshly cut vine to a friend or try growing a new plant from it!

So, during the winter months, remember that pruning is not just about shaping your Pothos but also a way to keep it healthy and happy.

Fine-Tuning Fertilization for Golden Pothos During Winter:

A person is holding pothos fertilizer

In the winter season, when your Golden Pothos naturally slows down its growth, it’s essential to give special attention to its fertilization routine as part of your Golden Pothos winter care. Picture it as a time when your plant takes a bit of a rest. To ensure your Pothos gets the right nutrients without overwhelming them, you can adjust how often you fertilize. Instead of the regular schedule, consider doing it every 6-8 weeks. Another option is to use a weaker mix of fertilizer than usual.

Think of it as customizing your plant’s diet to match its winter pace, providing just what it needs to stay healthy and happy during this quieter period. It’s a bit like giving your Golden Pothos a gentle winter spa treatment, supporting its well-being as it takes a break from its usual lively growth.

Pest Prevention:

During winter care for your Golden Pothos, prioritize pest prevention for optimal plant health. Regularly inspect for signs of pests, isolate new plants to avoid contamination, and maintain a clean environment by removing fallen leaves. Ensure proper watering practices to prevent conditions favoring pests like fungus gnats. Introduce natural predators, such as ladybugs, and promptly quarantine infested plants. Consider neem oil treatments for pest control, and monitor indoor temperatures to discourage pest activity. These measures collectively safeguard your Golden Pothos from potential winter pest challenges.


What is Golden Pothos, and why is it suitable for beginners?

Golden Pothos, scientifically known as Epipremnum Aureum or Devil’s Ivy, is a popular indoor plant with heart-shaped leaves. It belongs to the Araceae plant family. It is favored by beginners due to its aesthetic appeal and ease of care.

What type of pot is recommended for planting Golden Pothos during winter?

Terra cotta pots are preferred for planting Golden Pothos during winter. They provide excellent breathability and moisture regulation, preventing waterlogged conditions. Choosing a larger pot allows ample space for root growth.

When is the ideal time to repot Golden Pothos during winter care?

Repotting is typically done in the spring season for Golden Pothos. This aligns with the plant’s active growth period, minimizing stress during the transition.

What temperature range does Golden Pothos prefer during winter?

Golden Pothos thrives in temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (15-27 degrees Celsius) during winter. It’s essential to avoid sudden temperature changes and cold drafts.

How can I optimize lighting conditions for Golden Pothos in winter?

While Golden Pothos can handle lower light levels, it thrives with bright, indirect sunlight. Placing it near a window with filtered sunlight or using artificial grow lights ensures optimal lighting conditions.

What’s the recommended watering routine for Golden Pothos in winter?

For winter care, water Golden Pothos when the top 2/3 of the soil has mostly dried out. Use lukewarm water, around 60 degrees Fahrenheit, and allow excess water to drain. Adjust the watering frequency based on light conditions and soil moisture.

How should pruning be incorporated into Golden Pothos winter care?

Pruning is not just for shaping but also for maintaining plant health. Trim long vines about a quarter to a half-inch above a leaf. This process can also be a way to propagate new plants.

What adjustments should be made to fertilization during the winter season for Golden Pothos?

During winter, when growth slows down, adjust the fertilization routine. Either fertilize every 6-8 weeks or use a weaker mix than usual to support the plant’s more relaxed growth pace.

How can I prevent pests during Golden Pothos winter care?

Prioritize pest prevention by regularly inspecting for signs of pests, isolating new plants, maintaining a clean environment, and introducing natural predators. Consider neem oil treatments for pest control and monitor indoor temperatures to discourage pest activity.

In conclusion, caring for your Golden Pothos during winter involves strategic planting in terra cotta pots with well-draining soil, mindful temperature and lighting considerations, and a consistent watering routine. Pruning enhances aesthetics and plant health while fine-tuning fertilization and prioritizing pest prevention contribute to overall well-being. By following these guidelines, you can create a cozy haven for your Golden Pothos, ensuring its health and vibrancy throughout the winter and beyond. Happy gardening!


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