Discover the Aquatic Charm: 10 Plants That Grow in Water

Last updated on April 21st, 2024 at 07:35 am

In the charming world of plants, there exists a fascinating array of greenery that thrives not in soil, but in water. These captivating wonders, often known as “plants that grow in water,” bring a touch of natural elegance and serenity to any space. Let’s embark on a delightful journey through some of these hydrophilic marvels, each with its own unique charm and easygoing nature.

Plants that grow in water aren’t just limited to traditional pots or garden beds; they can effortlessly thrive in various settings within your home. From bathrooms to kitchens, living rooms to bedrooms, these aquatic beauties adapt seamlessly to indoor environments, adding a refreshing touch of greenery wherever they’re placed.

Moreover, their adaptability extends to unconventional containers as well. Glass jars, bottles, and vases can become enchanting vessels for these water-grown wonders, transforming ordinary spaces into vibrant showcases of natural beauty. Imagine a cluster of heartleaf philodendrons gracing your kitchen windowsill in sleek glass jars or a trio of lucky bamboo adorning your bathroom countertop in elegant glass bottles. The possibilities are endless, limited only by your imagination.

It’s worth noting that while these plants thrive in water, they do require some care to ensure their continued health and vitality. Regularly changing the water is essential to prevent stagnation and maintain optimal nutrient levels. With a little attention and care, these aquatic plants that grow in water will reward you with their lush foliage and serene presence, creating a tranquil oasis within your home. Here are some captivating examples:

10 Plants That Grow in Water

1. Splendid Split Leaf Philodendron 

Split Leaf Philodendron in a glass jar

Image credit:#luanneknits

Exquisite Aquatic Beauty:

The Split Leaf Philodendron stands out as one of the best plants to grow in water, showcasing its iconic beauty as a houseplant. Often housed in sizable vases adorned with colorful pebbles, it boasts large, deeply lobed green foliage and robust roots, creating a striking tabletop display when cultivated in water.

Converting to Water Growth:

Converting a potted plant into a water-based one is a simple process, but a few key steps are crucial. Start by selecting a healthy plant, preferably one displaying new growth. Before submerging it in water, thoroughly rinse off all soil from the roots to prevent the introduction of microbes that could lead to root rot and unsuccessful growth.

Caring for Aquatic Elegance:

In terms of care, this houseplant ranks as one of the most low-maintenance options for water cultivation. It thrives in spaces with ample ambient light but should be shielded from direct sunlight to avoid leaf damage. Additionally, maintaining moderate humidity levels is essential for deterring pests like Spider Mites. The Split Leaf Philodendron epitomizes the beauty and ease of cultivating plants that grow in water, adding a touch of elegance to any indoor setting.

2. Thriving Chinese Evergreen

A person holding Chinese Evergreen plant

Image credit:#crazyplantgirldk

Elegant Aquatic Choice:

For an upright-growing houseplant in water, the Chinese Evergreen emerges as a fantastic option. With its diverse array of leaf shapes, patterns, and colors, it not only offers visual variety but also creates a stunning tabletop display in a carefully selected vessel, complementing interior decor in both home and office settings.

Water Cultivation Options:

Growing Chinese Evergreen in water offers two approaches. One can either select a fully mature plant, carefully unpot it from its substrate, and thoroughly rinse the roots to remove any organic matter. Alternatively, one can start with a stem cutting. While both methods can yield successful results, it’s essential to note that Chinese Evergreens grown in water tend to exhibit slower growth compared to their soil-based counterparts.

Care Tips for Aquatic Success:

Chinese Evergreens grown in water are sensitive to the type of water they receive. Tap water containing hard minerals like chlorine and fluoride may affect their health. Therefore, it’s recommended to use distilled, reverse osmosis, or rainwater, which contains minimal to no minerals. Additionally, as Chinese Evergreens grow slowly in water, ensure they receive ample bright, indirect light to maintain their vitality. Choose a consistently bright location with an even temperature for optimal growth.

3. Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo in a glass jar

Charming Decoration with Plants That Grow in Water:

Lucky Bamboo is a popular choice for home decor, believed to bring balance and prosperity according to Feng Shui. Its simple elegance adds a touch of charm to any tabletop or shelf, showcasing its beauty as a plant that grows in water.

Simple Care:

Sold in water-filled containers, Lucky Bamboo is loved for its easy care and graceful appearance. With its green stalks and delicate foliage resembling Bamboo, it’s a beautiful addition to any space, thriving as a plant that grows in water.

Growing Tips for Aquatic Serenity:

Place Lucky Bamboo in bright, indirect light, but it can tolerate lower light levels. Keep the roots lightly submerged in water to prevent rot. Rotate the plant occasionally for even growth. With its serene presence and straightforward care, Lucky Bamboo is an effortless way to enjoy the beauty of plants that grow in water.

4. Begonia: A Lovely Choice for Plants That Grow in Water

Close up image of Begonias flower


Begonias, with their diverse leaf shapes, colors, and forms, bring a delightful jungle vibe to interior decor. Not only visually stunning, but they also excel as plants that grow in water, making them an excellent choice for indoor greenery. Courtesy for the image above belongs to Jean-Pierre Louis.

Simple Water Cultivation:

Growing Begonias in water is effortless—just a cut stem or single leaf is enough, thanks to their robust stems. While it may take some time for roots to emerge, the leaf or cutting remains attractive in your chosen vessel, whether on a tabletop or part of a shelf display.

Growing Location and Easy Care:

Place your Begonia leaf or stem cuttings in a spot with bright, filtered light to promote healthy root formation. Higher humidity, such as in a bright bathroom or near a humidifier, benefits the plant. Regularly check on your cutting and perform weekly water changes. While feeding isn’t necessary initially, once roots develop, consider using a diluted fertilizer solution. As your plant grows more roots, increase the feeding accordingly. With their beauty and simplicity, Begonias bring joy as plants that grow in water to any indoor space.

5. Spider Plant: 

Spider plant in a glass jar

Charming Spider Plant:

The Spider Plant effortlessly adds charm to any indoor space with its stunning ribbon-like foliage in pale greens and white, making it one of the captivating plants that grow in water. Its cascading growth makes it a perfect fit for wall-mounted displays or shelves.

Adaptable Water Growth:

Spider Plants easily adapt to growing in water! Start with one of the plantlets dangling from a mother plant. These young plants readily adapt to growing over water with minimal impact.

Simple Care:

Place your Spider Plant where it will thrive best, with bright, indirect light. An east-facing windowsill or wall is ideal for providing soft morning sunlight and ambient light throughout the day. With its easy-going nature and ability to thrive in water, the Spider Plant brings elegance and simplicity to any indoor space.

6. Heartleaf Philodendron:

Heartleaf philodendron in glass jar

Image credit:#plantpropagationz

Easy Water Growth:

The Heartleaf Philodendron is perfect for growing in water, quickly developing roots for healthy growth whether it’s in a glass container or trailing off a shelf, its lush, heart-shaped leaves stand out beautifully.

Switching to Water Growth:

To switch your Heartleaf Philodendron to water growth, just take a long cutting with a couple of submerged leaf nodes. This helps roots grow, letting the plant thrive in water.

Care Tips:

Place the plant where it gets indirect sunlight for good root growth. Keep the water from getting too hot to avoid stressing the plant. With its easy adaptation to water, the Heartleaf Philodendron is a great choice for plants that grow in water.

7. Delicious Monster:

A close image of Delicious Monster leaf

Image credit:#deliciousmonster_a

Adaptable Water Growth:

The Delicious Monster thrives when grown in water, bringing elegance to any space as one of the captivating plants that grow in water. Its large fenestrated leaves make a stunning statement in a tabletop vase, adding charm to both home and office environments.

Converting to Water Growth:

Converting a Delicious Monster to water is simple. Choose a spacious container to accommodate its root ball, rinsing off all potting soil to maintain water clarity.

Growing Location and Care:

Treat your water-based Monstera like any other houseplant. Place it in bright, filtered light near an East or West-facing window for a few hours of gentle sunlight, ensuring the water remains cool and the foliage unscorched. With proper care, the Delicious Monster thrives as a plant that grows in water, enhancing any indoor setting with its lush greenery.

8. Pothos:

Pothos in a glass jar

Image credit:#darrylventura

Adaptable Water Plant:

Pothos, also known as Devil’s Ivy, thrives in water, adding elegance to any spot. Whether hanging, on a table, or shelf, it’s a lovely choice. Choose from Golden Pothos, Marble Queen Pothos, Pothos Pictus, or Silver Splash for variety.

Fast Growing and Versatile:

Pothos overgrows and vines easily. With various shades available, from bright yellows to rich greens, it suits any space.

Pothos contains a hormone called Auxin, which promotes root growth, making it ideal for water propagation.

Easy Care:

Golden Pothos adapts well to water, tolerating different light levels. From low to bright filtered light, it’s versatile. Just remember, less light means slower growth. With simple care needs and adaptable growth, Pothos is a great plant for water cultivation.

9. Water Hyacinth: 

Flowers of water hyacinths

Image credit:#plantmuggle_

Imagine a serene pond, where a single Eichhornia crassipes bloom stands tall, its slender stem adorned with several delicate purple flowers. Each bloom boasts five petals, one of which holds a vibrant yellow center, creating a captivating contrast against the lush, waxy foliage. These elegant blooms gracefully float atop the water’s surface, adding a touch of natural beauty to any aquatic landscape.

Growing Conditions:

Water Hyacinths thrive in still water, making them ideal for outdoor ponds and aquariums alike. Simply scatter them on the water surface in early spring after the last frost, and watch as they effortlessly spread their beauty.

Care Tips:

These fast-spreading plants prefer sunny conditions, where their purple blooms can bask in the sun’s warmth, complementing their bluish-green foliage. Whether in an outdoor pond or a sunny indoor location, regular trimming helps control their growth and maintain their enchanting appearance. Water Hyacinth brings a sense of tranquility and elegance to any aquatic environment, making it a delightful addition to ponds, water gardens, or indoor water features.

10. Mosquito Fern:


Imagine a tranquil pond, its surface covered by several Azolla plants, each adorned with scale-like green foliage branching out delicately. These small ferns, known as Mosquito Ferns, are prime examples of plants that grow in water, creating a lush green blanket over the water, offering both beauty and functionality to the aquatic ecosystem.


The Mosquito Fern serves as a natural solution for pond maintenance, reducing algae growth and deterring mosquitoes from laying eggs in the water. Its presence helps clean the water, promoting a healthier aquatic environment for other life forms.

Care Tips:

This fast-growing fern requires regular trimming to prevent it from completely covering the water surface. While it adds beauty to the pond, excessive growth may hinder the survival of aquatic life below. By planting Mosquito Ferns, you contribute to the overall balance and health of your pond ecosystem.

In conclusion, the world of plants that grow in water offers a mesmerizing tapestry of beauty, resilience, and adaptability. From the graceful heartleaf philodendron to the vibrant pothos, each aquatic wonder brings its own unique charm to indoor and outdoor spaces alike. Whether adorning a windowsill in a glass jar or gracing the depths of a tranquil pond, these hydrophilic marvels enrich our lives with their lush foliage and serene presence. So, as you embark on your journey of cultivating aquatic beauty, remember the simple joy and tranquility that plants that grow in water can bring to your home or garden. Embrace the natural elegance of these water-loving wonders and let their enchanting allure captivate your heart and soul.


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