Pothos Plant Care:8 Essential Tips

Last updated on March 2nd, 2024 at 11:41 am

If you want a plant that’s easy to take care of and looks nice, you should think about getting a Pothos plant. Different types of pothos plants have lively leaves and cool vines. They’re not just nice to look at, they’re also really easy to take care of. They don’t need a lot of attention. They’re a lovely addition to any indoor space. Even if you’re not very experienced with plants, the Pothos will make your place look nice with its long-hanging vines and big green leaves. Now, let’s learn some easy tricks for pothos plant care to make sure your Pothos stays healthy and happy!

For Pothos Plant Care Choosing the Right Location

Pothos plant is in a white pot near a glass window

Choosing the right location for your Pothos plant is like finding the perfect spot for a friend. Pothos plants are easy-going and can handle not-so-bright places. Just avoid putting them in super dark corners. Also, make sure it’s not too cold, as Pothos prefer warmer temperatures. Finding the right place where your Pothos feels comfortable will help it grow happily and make your place look even nicer.

Light Requirements For Pothos Plant Care

Pothos plants are very adaptable when it comes to light. They happily thrive with bright, indirect light, but they can also grow well in low-light conditions. Pothos can’t tolerate sunlight so should be kept away from direct sunlight, as it can blacken their leaves. Place pothos near a window with a see-through curtain or a little bit away from a window with lots of light is just right for them.

Humidity And Temperature For Pothos Plant Care

Pothos thrive in environments where temperatures consistently stay above fifty degrees Fahrenheit. They flourish in a range of sixty-five to seventy-five degrees Fahrenheit. While these plants flourish in high humidity, they are also remarkably adaptable to lower-humidity settings. To enhance humidity levels around your pothos, consider placing it in naturally humid spaces like a bathroom, or grouping it with other lush houseplants for a more moisture-rich microclimate.

For Pothos Plant Care Watering Tips

Watering Pothos plant

To keep your Pothos plant healthy and happy, let the top inch of soil get a bit dry before watering. Check the soil for about an inch; if it is dry, then it is the best time to give it some water. When you do water, make sure the extra water can flow out properly, and don’t leave the plant sitting in water for too long. That can make its roots sick.

But be careful not to give too much water. If the soil looks wet or the leaves start turning yellow and droopy, it means you’ve given it too much. If the soil smells strange or has moldy stuff, that’s a sign of too much water too. But don’t worry! Just let the soil dry out a bit before watering again. Your Pothos will bounce back and be happy.

For Pothos Plant Care Choose the Pot with Drainage Holes

When choosing a pot for your Pothos plant, go for a bigger one. This provides the roots with plenty of space to grow, just like having a bigger room to play in! Additionally, make sure the pot has drainage holes at the bottom. These holes allow excess water to drain out, preventing the roots from becoming too damp and ensuring they stay healthy. So, when selecting a pot, go for a larger one with proper drainage holes. Your Pothos will thrive with the extra room to grow.

Feeding Tips For Pothos Plant Care

Feeding your Pothos plant helps them to grow strong and healthy. You can use special plant food, which you can find at a garden store. However, be careful not to give too much. During the growing season in spring and summer, you can give it food about once a month. In the fall and winter, when they’re resting, they don’t need as much food. So, remember to feed your Pothos, but not too much! They’ll be happy and grow nicely.

For Pothos Plant Care Keep it Neat

Giving your Pothos plant a little trim is like tidying up its leaves. You can trim off any long or messy vines to keep it looking neat. This also encourages new growth and makes the plant look fuller and healthier. Don’t worry if you cut a bit too much, Pothos plants will bounce back in no time and grow. So, if you want your Pothos to look neat and full, a little trim now and then will make it happy.

Pest Management for Pothos Plant Care

To protect your Pothos plant from small bugs, you can do a few simple things. If you spot any little critters, just wipe them off gently with a soft cloth or use a mild soapy water mixture to clean the leaves. You can also try using insecticidal soap or neem oil, which are safe options to get rid of pests. It’s a good idea to check your plant regularly to catch any bugs early.

Easy Propagation

A person planting Pothos in soil

Pothos plants are cool because you can make more of them easily. Just cut a healthy vine, and put it in water until it grows roots, this process will take two to three weeks, and then plant it in the soil. Now you can give Pothos plants to your friends and family so they can enjoy them too. It’s an easy way to propagate pothos and expand your plant collection.

How Long Do Pothos Plants Live With Proper Pothos Plant Care?

Pothos plant is climbing up the tree

Pothos plants usually stay alive for about five to ten years on average. But if you take good care of them, these strong indoor plants can survive for a lot longer. Just make sure to give your plant the right environment and do basic upkeep, and it will have a longer life. The photo above is courtesy of Forest and Kim Starr.

Keeping an Eye on Your Pothos

Pothos plant in a pot

Image credit:#pothoslove1

Remember, keeping an eye on your Pothos is a great way to make sure it’s happy. The plant can show you what it needs. If the leaves start to droop, it might be asking for a little more water. And if it looks a bit pale, it might be saying it wants more light. So, pay attention to your Pothos.

How to Bring Back a Pothos Plant

If pothos are looking sad, like it’s drooping or not doing well, don’t worry! You can help it. First, trim off any leaves that look damaged or dead. Then, examine the soil. If it’s dry, give it some water. But if it’s wet, let it dry out.

If it’s been a while since you changed the soil,  or if the roots are crowded in the pot, think about moving it to a slightly bigger pot with new soil.

If you’re worried your pothos might not be good. you can take some healthy parts and grow new plants from them. You can also put these new roots back into your main plant to make it grow fuller.

Are Pothos Harmful?

A cat is near the Pothos plant

Pothos plants can be harmful to humans, cats, and dogs, but it’s important to know that they are not deadly if eaten. The leaves stems and roots of the pothos plant have tiny crystals that can irritate the mouth, skin, and stomach.


How speedy does the pothos grow with proper pothos plant care??

Pothos plants grow fast. They can stretch out more than a foot in just one month.

How does the size of Pothos plants vary depending on their growth environment?

The size of Pothos plants depends on where they grow. In the wild, they can get really big, climbing up the trees and reaching up to sixty feet tall. In places with cooler climates, they can still grow impressively, reaching up to twenty feet. But when they’re kept indoors, they usually stay smaller, with vines that are six to ten feet long. The leaves, which can be as long as three feet in the wild, tend to be smaller indoors, usually measuring between four to eight inches.

Is it safe to have Pothos around pets?

Pothos plants can irritate if consumed by cats, dogs, or humans. It’s recommended to place houseplants where they’re not accessible to pets and small children.

Taking care of your Pothos plant is a wonderful thing to do. They have pretty leaves and don’t need too much looking after. They add a nice touch of nature to your indoor space. Remember to give them the right amount of light, water them appropriately, and keep an eye out for any signs they need extra care. With a little love, your Pothos will grow well and make your home happy for a long time. Enjoy taking care of your plant!


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